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Heat Pump hot water
Financial Rebates

The heat pump hot water rebates on offer from the federal and state governments are surprisingly generous.

Read on below to understand the rebates and how they could benefit you. 


Understanding the financial rebates offered by the Victorian and Federal Government and the eligibility requirements can be a little convoluted and frankly a bit confusing.


You may be wondering if the process of pursuing financial rebates for your installation is even worth your time?


Believe it or not, the savings on offer can actually be quite substantial.


"You may be eligible for rebates from not 1, not 2 but 3 different government groups".


If you're thinking you may not have the patience to deal with 1 government body yet alone 3, you will be relieved to know our team can handle all the heavy lifting regarding these rebates. Our team may require you to fill out a single Solar Victoria eligibility form however all calculations and lodging of applications will be managed by us. Our team will even apply your rebates before they have been made available to us, thus ensuring that you're not out of pocket while waiting for your rebates to be processed.

Are you eligible for financial rebates?

Schedule a call with our team.

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As a Solar Victoria approved retailer and installer Addison Appliances can offer rebates from all three governing bodies:


  1. Solar Victoria rebates

  2. STC rebates

  3. VEEC rebates

"You could potentially be approved for rebates from all three bodies resulting in significant savings on your heat pump purchase and installation."



Solar Victoria may offer up to 50% rebate on the cost of the heat pump hot water system you choose to purchase. Please note that the rebate is capped at maximum of $1000 eg. Purchasing a unit valued at $2500 could deem you eligible for a $1000 rebate.


STC rebates are a little less straight forward. STC stands for Small-scale technology certificates and is part of the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme. These certificates are tradable credits made available with installations of approved heat pumps. The financial value of each certificate will vary from day to day as the supply and demand of certificates change. 


VEECs rebates (Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificate) are a certificate trading scheme ran in accordance with the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Act 2007 (VEET Act). VEECs are a commoditised & tradable digital certificate made available to people installing approved energy efficient technologies. Similar to STCs the value of each VEEC certificate will vary based on supply and demand at the time of application. 


In both cases the amount of STCs and VEECs available to you will depend on factors such as the type of heat pump being installed (it's energy usage), the type of hot water system being removed, the date of the application and the geographical location of the installation. 


"For simplicity's sake, think of STCs as a federal scheme and VEECs as a Victorian state scheme".

​The Victorian rebates in simple terms.

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Dwayne was eligible for: 


$1000 (maximum rebate) from Solar Victoria.


$600 in VEEC rebates. 


$735 in STC rebates.



Total rebates paid to the customer  $2335

Example Client   

Our customer Dwayne Johnson contracted Addison Appliances for the supply and installation of Stiebel Eltron WWK 302 heat pump hot water system. 

*This installation included all plumbing and electrical work as well as the disposal of the existing hot water system.

*Rebate amounts may vary.

Contact Wendy today to easily check your eligibility 

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Making sense of available financial rebates can be overwhelming.

Allow our team to assess your eligibility and handle the administrative process for you.  

Call 1300 870 742 today.

Addison Appliances are a Solar Victoria Approved Retailer & Installer

We offer rebates from:

  • Solar Victoria

  • STC (Small-scale technology certificates)

  • VEECS(Victorian energy efficiency certificates)

Working with the best. 

Our Brands

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Check Out Our Frequently Asked Questions Page.

Frequently asked questions:

"What sort of energy savings can I expect from converting to heat pump hot water?"
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